This section inspects construction within the road right-of-way to ensure that County-owned facilities are reconstructed in compliance with current County construction standards. This section also monitors construction activity within the road right-of-way to verify that required traffic control measures are in place during construction. Typical construction activity under this section includes telecommunication utility installation, water, gas, storm drains, sanitary sewer pipelines, and electrical cable. Means of construction may include open cut excavation, directional bore, or overhead suspended cable installation.
Find out more information about Encroachment Permits and How to Apply or contact Sacramento County Department of Transportation (SACDOT).
David Diaz, Construction Inspection - Private Development & ROW Encroachments
9700 Goethe Rd, Suite D, Sacramento, CA 95827
Mail Code: 47-001A
Alan Tannehill, Construction Inspection - North Area Supervisor
9700 Goethe Rd, Suite D, Sacramento, CA 958 27
Mail Code: 47-001A
Jason Montoya, Construction Inspection - South Area Supervisor
9700 Goethe Rd, Suite D, Sacramento, CA 95827
Mail Code: 47-001A
Additional Information:
CMID Inspection Areas
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