Water Supply, Drainage, Wastewater, and Solid Waste

This section provides the construction management and inspection of publicly bid water, drainage, wastewater, and solid waste projects occurring throughout Sacramento County.​ Our clients include the Sacramento County Water Agency, the Department of Water Resources​, Sacramento Area Sewer District (including the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility), and the Department of Waste Management and Recycling. Typical projects include the rehabilitation of existing facilities and/or the construction of new facilities:​​​

  • Water supply, drainage, and wastewater pipelines (collectors and interceptors)
  • Water supply, drainage, and wastewater pump/lift stations and force mains
  • Wastewater collection, conveyance, storage, treatment, and delivery systems​
  • Solid waste collection, separation, storage, processing, and removal

Hilary Masters, Principal Civil Engineer
Location: 9700 Goethe Road, Suite D, Sacramento, Ca 95827
Mail Code: 47-001A